Cattaraugus County
Contact Erica Sebastian:

Chemung and Steuben Countes
Contact Melinda:

Livingston County
Rachel Pena:

What is Narcan?

Narcan is short for Naloxone and is used to reverse an overdose.

Why is it important to get trained in Narcan?

Since 1999, overdose deaths have increased at an alarming rate. By getting trained in Narcan, you could save a life.

Who can get trained in Narcan?

Anyone! We offer Narcan training to individuals, community groups, office staff, school administration, law enforcement and more!

How Much Does Training Cost?

It is free!

Who do I contact to set up a training?

Livingston and Steuben Counties, please contact: Melinda Hester at

Chemung County, please contact: Matthew Moore at